Computers one of the worlds most indespensible invention still now. These computers play a vital role in our day to day life. From the dawn to dusk we are using these computers in every means possible sometimes the most beautiful memories may fade away from your mind but these computers never let anything go away from its memory until you ask it to do so. But do we know its evolution the generation of computers how did the first computer look like? which generation of the computers are we using ?If you really want the answere for these things then dont stop reading.Go ahead and find it for yourself.
generation and evolution of computers


                      Everything that ever existed in this world holds their own generation history as like living beings even the machine has their evolution history  they have evolved in a very unique way. There are five generation of computers till date the upcoming paragraph have encountered the specs advantages and the need for the development from one generation to another.

  • These computers were vacuum tubes based machines.
  • They used magnetic drums for memory.
  • Input were fed into the computers using punched cards.
  • They size of these computers were very large and it produced more heat
  •  They lack in versatility and speed.
  • They were more expensive.

SPEED                     : Fastest computing device of its time.
TECHNOLOGY      : Vacuum tubes made up of glass containing filaments when heated generates                                           electrons which helps in amplification and de amplification of signals.
 I/p & O/p                 : Punched card and print out
LANGUAGE           : Machine level language
E D S A C                : Electronic delay storage automatic calculator
E D V A C                : Electronic discrete variable automatic computer

  • Fastest computing device of their time
  • Execute complex mathematical problems in an efficient manner
  • Large & Bulky
  • Difficult to program
  • Cannot be transferred from one place to another
  • These are special purpose computers
  • Generates huge amount of heat and hence prone to hardware faults
                          SECOND GENERATION COMPUTERS (1956-1963)

  • Here the Transistor replaced the bulky vacuum tubes.
  • Transistors are smaller than vacuum tubes and have higher operating speed.
  • The size of the computer got reduced considerably.
  • Manufacturing cost was also very low.
SPEED: Faster than first generation
TECHNOLOGY: Transistor Used to increase the power of incoming signals. It has 3 connections:
BASE : Through which incoming signals are sent
COLLECTOR : Collects amplified signal
EMITTER: Emits amplified signal
I/p & O/p : Punched card and print out
IBM 1401
IBM 1620

  • Fastest computing device of their time
  • Easy to program
  • Light weight
  • Low power consumption
  • Low maintenance
  • Transferred from one place to another easily
  • High cost
  • Limited to special purpose tasks
  • Generates considerable amount of heat

                           THIRD GENERATION COMPUTERS (1964-1975)

  • These computers were based on Integrated Circuits (ICs) Technology.
  • A single IC has many transistors, registers and capacitors built on a single thin slice of silicon.
  •  The size of the computer got further reduced.
  • These Computers were small in size, low cost, large memory and processing speed is very high.
SPEED: Fastest computing device of its time
TECHNOLOGY: Integrated Circuits : Also known as micro electronics technology
PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE: High level language
IBM 360
Honeywell 6000

  • Computational time was measured in nano seconds
  • Requires low power to operate
  • Small size
  • Installation is very easy
  • Able to execute any type of applications
  • More reliable & requires less maintenance
  • Easily transportable
  • Storage capacity was very small
  • Performance will get degrade while executing large applications
  • Cost is very high
  • Required to be placed in air conditioned plates
                       FOURTH GENERATION COMPUTERS (1975-1989)

  • It uses very large scale Integrated Circuits (VLSI) built on a single silicon chip called microprocessors .
  • These computers are called microcomputers.
  • Thus the size of the computer got reduced.
  • The personal computer (PC) are comes under the Fourth Generation.
SPEED: Fastest computing device of its time 
  • VLSI Very large scale Integration It leads to the development of GUI, Operating Systems, Various storage devices, I/O devices and LAN
  • It has 3 components:
  • Microprocessors
  • Memory
  • I/O Controls
PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE: High level language
IBM PC series
Apple Series
  • Very powerful in terms of speed & time
  • Storage capacity is very high & it is very fast
  • Highly reliable and requires low maintenance
  • Provides user friendly environment using GUI(Graphical user
  • interface)
  • Programs are highly portable
  • Highly versatile and requires less power
  • The soldering of VLSI chips on the wiring board was not an easy task
  • Working of these computers depends on instructions given by the programmer 
                      FIFTH GENERATION COMPUTERS(1989-Till date)
  • The speed is extremely high in fifth generation computer.
  • The concept of Artificial intelligence has been introduced to allow the computer to take its own decision.
  • It is still in a developmental stage .
SPEED: Faster of all times
  •   ULSI : Ultra large scale Integration
  • It has more than10 million electronic components
  • It increases the power & speed of the microprocessor
PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE : High level language
Integrated development environment
  • Fastest & powerful computers till date
  • Able to execute a large no of application at very high speed.
  • ULSI Technology helps in decreasing the size of computers.
  • Multimedia features are available
  • Resource sharing is possible & is highly versatile
  • Lack of human like Intelligence

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