America - Why all eyes on her? Shocking Truths Revealed!

America – the word with a hot talk among today’s generation. When someone talks about settling down, the earliest country they comment is America. Even myself, have asked this question a lot. “What’s there in America? What’s the great deal about?”

Of course, there is something more attractive than India. America is not only about living a luxurious life. We'll discuss on other facts. Let’s check it out.

Call me by my name:                                             
            You have no need to call someone ‘sir’. Call by their name even if it’s your boss! They appreciate it. (Don’t dare to try in India)

It’s family time:
                 American companies give a better day off you would hesitate to ask in India. Unlike Indian IT companies, you are allowed to take leave for noble reasons.

Time to leave:
            People commence their work at 8’ (I know, it’s early) and culminate at 5’. Strictly eight-hour work policy is maintained.

Work-Life Balance:
            America rests on this hardcore real principle where it is only a theory in India

Working on weekends:
              There is no such thing in America but in India the policy takes a name called 'business requirements'. Over duties are rare in America.

No lunch breaks:
              Don’t worry! You can take your lunch anytime, anywhere (even at your office desk)

Just do your work! 
                      Yes, do your work sitting at home or chatting at office but you should DO. No one cares when you swipe in or swipe out.

Decided to shift your career? Wait, you must see this too.

No job security:
          You will be thrown if you’re useless. No worries! Of course, you are not their citizen.

           Racism still exists unbeknown in modern America. Mind that you are an outsider at all deal.

No relationships:
            Unlike India, there is no unconditional love. People live a mechanical life and there is no time for such thing.

I let you to conclude this. HAVE YOU DECIDED?


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