Indian Railways:
The Indian rail network is one of the largest network in Asian countries and second largest rail network in the world.
The first rail network was done in-between Mumbai and Thane in the year 1853 by the British government.Then soon it got developed and connected the major cities of India like Howrah,mumbai,chennai and Delhi.
After Independence of India,railways was specially treated by the Indian government.Budjet will be separated exclusive only for Railways.But the present government is not doing so.
First the trains run on steam locos and then by using diesel locos and then presently by EMD and electric locos.The Indian Railways almost has the maximum number of coaches 24 nos of and also has a good average speed too.
Thus In India Railways is the cheap and best way for transportation and it also connects all the states of India.There are many types of trains like mail exp,superfast exp,rajdhani,garib rath (cheapest AC train),
Shadhabti,Gatimaan exp and so on.....
Not only express train it also runs emu,demu,memu trains in major cities connecting places within the cities.the fare in this trains are much cheaper than buses ,autos etc....
Thus Indian Railways is used by almost 10 lakhs* people per day.I t is also one of the biggest income for the also provide many jobs to young and talented persons and are almost 5000 vacancies* an year.Thus Indian Railways is very effective for Indian people.
Which country has the largest railway network in Asia